The appearance of the first white hair is around the age of 35 +/- 10 years. More than 50% of Caucasians aged 50 have at least 50% white hair. A phenomenon that is growing with our stressful lifestyles combined with the increase in the ageing of the population, and represents a significant market.
What are the causes of this depigmentation and what In&Out solutions exist to re-pigment hair?

The depigmentation of white hair

The appearance of white hair or “canitis” is a natural phenomenon caused by the inactivity of the melanocytes contained in the hair bulb.

In fact, hair colour depends mainly on the presence or absence of pigments called melanins produced by the melanocytes at the base of the hair follicle. When melanin synthesis stops, the hair is no longer pigmented. In short, there is no grey or white pigment but a lack of melanin pigment.

white hair

The most common cause of hair bleaching is ageing. Like most cells in the body, the cells that produce melanin (melanocytes) have a limited lifespan. There is a stock of stem cells (i.e. capable of becoming melanocytes among other things) close to the hair follicles that can replace them. But with time, this stock is depleted and some cells disappear without being replaced. Those that remain also produce less and less melanin.

American researchers have also just understood the link between stress and the appearance of white hair. This phenomenon is known as “sudden or early onset canitis” and can be reversible. It is most often manifested by a small white streak that appears in the middle of your ebony-black hair before the age of 30.

More rarely, certain genetic diseases such as ataxia or albinism cause hair bleaching. Of course, there are solutions that mask depigmentation such as dyes.  However, what solutions exist to act directly at the source of the problem? 

White hair: a melanin cure In&Out?

“Manufacturers of cosmetic active ingredients have been working for a long time, in collaboration with university research laboratories, to develop active ingredients that can reverse the bleaching phenomenon and re-pigment the hair by reactivating the dormant melanocytes. However, these active ingredients should not be used too late when all the melanocytes have died, as the bleaching phenomenon is then irreversible. It is therefore advisable to use them when the hair is not completely depigmented but greying (salt and pepper). In these cases, the melanocytes that are still dormant can potentially be reactivated to reproduce melanin” Myriam Roure, Research & Development Engineer at Eugène Perma,

Thus, there are now innovative melanin-based complexes with proven effects orally and/or topically (hair) that remarkably stimulate melanogenesis and allow hair repigmentation by more than 10% in a few months.

At NCC, we offer innovative and comprehensive complexes to address various hair health and depigmentation issues. They help to fight against stress, ageing, hair loss and colouring.

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