Nitric Oxide (NO) is an essential active ingredient to promote cardiovascular and cerebral protection.

Nitric Oxide (NO) is an essential active ingredient to promote cerebral and cardiovascular protection

NO is an important biological messenger for humans. When dissolved, it easily crosses biological membranes and passes from one cell to another. It has a high reactivity (especially in soluble phase), and a very short lifespan. The Nitric Oxide must therefore be brought to the organism via promoters. It promotes cardiovascular protection.


The main biological roles of Nitric Oxide are as follows:


The endothelium of the blood vessels uses NO to trigger relaxation of its smooth muscle tunica, causing vasodilatation (increasing blood flow and decreasing platelet aggregation). For the large majority, this synthesis of NO is insufficient, thereby increasing their risk of developing cardiovascular disease.


NO acts as a neurotransmitter between nerve cells. Unlike most other neurotransmitters, the small molecule of NO diffuses itself widely and can reach many surrounding neurons. This includes neurons not interconnected by synapses. This process is involved in the memory process by ensuring what is called “long-term memory”.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world.

Nitric oxide contributes to increasing blood flow, transmitting nerve impulses and regulating immune function. Whereas it also seems capable of prolonging the biological life span of an organism and fortifying it against environmental stress  (according to the New York University study). The authors point out that, nitric oxide levels decrease as time passes, a decrease that also contributes to aging, says Professor Evgeny Nudler, Professor of Biochemistry at NYU, lead author of the study.

There are many pathologies linked to dysfunction of the vascular system. This is noticed, particularly when the functioning of endothelial cells (cells lining the inner surface of blood vessels) is disturbed. A the end, it promots a series of consequences that can lead to hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and the formation of blood clots. This dysfunction particularly targets organs such as the heart (role: blood circulation), or the kidneys (role: blood filter).

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world.

They account for more than 30% of total mortality worldwide, and include among the best known:

  • cerebrovascular accident (stroke),
  • myocardial infarction
  • angina pectoris (which can cause an insufficient supply of oxygen).

Endothelial cells produce a molecule called nitric oxide. This anti-inflammatory molecule promotes vasodilation of the vessels, better circulation of blood flow in the body. Furthermore, it regulates damage to the cardiovascular system.

Where can nitric oxide be found naturally?

By far the richest food in nitric oxide is beet. It has been scientifically proven that the consumption of beet juice can reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients (Dietary Nitrate Provides Sustained Blood Pressure Lowering in Hypertensive Patients. Vikas Kapil et al. November 2014).

Other vegetables such as celery, fennel, black radish or watercress contain interesting amounts of nitric oxide.

Some foods can stimulate the production of this gas, they are called promoters of nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide promoters contain mixtures of apple and grape polyphenols, which are very interesting to take daily and easily through food supplements.

Contact us if you wish to be accompanied from R&D to the commercial launch of your brand based on nitric oxide promoters.